....Its like what came first.....The chicken or the egg!! These rose prints are all so similar, I thought that my new Cath Kidston holdall would look fantastic amoungst my bits and pieces in the hall...and the more you look, the more you think, who's copying who! I will always hanker after red and pink roses on a turquoise/duck egg background, so I don't really care....but it does make you wonder, doesn't it! The sleeveless blouse is not an old vintage one, but a Laura Ashley from about 5 years ago....and the enamel plate, well, we collect those and have several, we often pick those up in France....but thats another story - I'll tell you about that soon!

I love decorating a wall with a coat rack, I love plain walls and then I love to decorate the wall with the bits and pieces that I collect. I can't resist a vintage dress or a vintage bag...what could be better!

bye for now - Luv happy @/*-*\@ xx


  1. It looks lovely! Where did you get the little chalkboard from? I could do with a few of them myself. x

  2. I just made an apron using similar material as yours. It isn't Cath Kidston or Laura Ashley...so who did they copy? LOL

  3. Great colour combination, strange how things eg. turquoise/red seem to suddenly be everywhere, does everyone get the same idea at the same time or is it industrial espionage? He He

  4. Hello Happy! I feel that my hallway nneeds a coat hook and I'm keeping my eyes peeled for one. I'll let you know how it all looks when I'm done. Not as pretty as yours I'm sure!

    Lots of love

    Cherry Menlove xx

  5. ooooh purrrllleeeassse Cath Kidston overdose AAArrrgggghhhhhhh!!!!!!!

  6. Hi Hayley,

    It looks so lovely...
    I love this arrangement.
    Best wishes,Patricia

  7. Your blog is so great! Love all the pics! TFS!

  8. Your hallway looks lovely, just perfect.
    Thanks for the comment on my blog, you asked how I got my 3rd column, I chose the Minima theme then I played around with the HTML, not sure how I did it exactly, I followed various instructions that I found on the internet and just muddled my way through.
    If I can find the sites that I used then I will sent them to you.
    Racheal x

  9. Hi
    Love your blogg, rosie and playful, wonder if you would like mine. I want friends from other countries and I will out your link at my blogg. I am a new blogger, its FUN!

  10. Oh my goodness! I love those colours & (in that perfect world) would have them im my bedroom, but I have to get them past my hubby. I'm off now to trawl through your flickr collection and your past posts... I only just found you today, but I shall be back more. Bye Happy!

  11. Actually, I think I love the red satchel most. I always wanted a satchel when I was at school and I love red.


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