I have been feeling a little under the weather lately...I really do not know what is wrong with me...its probably an age thing, as my hair has started to thin and I am starting to feel rather hot, when usually I am the only one who is freezing cold!...anyway I am off to the hospital tomorrow to have some bloods done...so that should sort me out...I'll keep you all posted, I had suspected that I might have an overactive thyroid! HA chance of that! and why am I the only person to of not lost weight with it!!! but apparently 10% of people with it will put weight on!! I bet I am in that 10%!!LOL! still not being one to self diagnose! and after 10 hours trying to sort my problems out on the internet last night....I awoke at 10 am this morning!
My hubby had been up much earlier...well most people had been up much earlier I suspect!...but look at my surprise above! He had framed my lovely union jack and mounted it on the wall...can you see the words that adorn it (very sex pistols stylie!) Yes it says HAPPY HARRIS! I am so chuffed, its one of the best presents, that I have ever received....Thankyou so much Freddy xx

Whilst taking this picture, I decided to take a few more from around the house...corners and snippets of my home that I do not think you have seen yet! I have been busy making it all perfect for the summer, this house I must say though is a very cool house, when its hot outside, it is lovely and cool inside, which will be good for me, with onset early menopause LOL!

Anyway...above is my lovely, but very shabby terrier, do you like him?...Its hard not to really isn't it!...I am starting too pick up alot of doggies lately, I suppose because, with his little sad face - I want to keep him company, when we go to sleep and all the toys and ornaments come out to play!!! LOL!

This is a piccy from my sitting room....we only sit in here in the evening, its special, but sooo cosy. and yes that is yellow there...I am starting to love mixing yellow and now some orange, into my colour schemes...I never thought I would, but there you go! I still can't seem to get my head around using purple yet though! but watch this space!

And look at that wonderful patchwork quilt, it is absolutely divine, not made by me, but handed down from generation to generation by some friends of mine that wanted me to have it for my home, the detailing is beautiful and made with so much love, I feel very honoured to now be the keeper of it :)

Our growing collection of toys and Whimsy's (thanks Dawn! Great word! :)) in our craft room/dining room.

My lovely Coat...and union jack scarf.

Doesn't this little fella look sad! ahh bless, I just had to take a piccy off him though, as I do love this little arrangement in the corner of my sitting room.

Happy cushions (above above) and a new addition of this lovely rose picture, which works so well, with my colour schemes....You can't beat roses!

We have bought into the house our camping blanket....do you remember I blogged about it here, it looks great over my chair, and on chillier nights its a great piece of kit to wrap yourself up in, to keep cosy.

Now! this piccy above tells a little story....a few weeks ago we bought this album cover, at a bootsale and I blogged about it here, but we just couldn't find a frame for it...we searched all the shops in Bluewater, and online, but nothing was suitable or the right size...and then, this week - where should we find the perfect sized frame....but at our local bootsale!!! Just shows you! So we painted the frame and mounted it and look at it now!...We have placed it over our TV and it looks great!

I am loving kitsch cushions in clashing colours....finding retro material and making your own is so much fun, and that way, you have something bespoke and personal to you :)

Ahh yes...I can't live without my lovely coat hooks...these are a signature of Happy loves Rosie...also blogged about here...you can add bags and pictures and the odd hanger LOL! and it looks great...This is a wonderful cheap decorating idea!

I hope you all had a great Bank Holiday weekend, apart from my investigation on the internet into my poorly self....I also prettied up Rosie's bedroom, went to the local bootsales and slept quite a lot! Ha...the perfect Bank Holiday weekend for me!...I hope you had a great one to!...I'm off to watch Ashes to Ashes...Catch you all soon!

Love Happy x


  1. Hi happy,

    I do hope they find out what it is. It does sound like hyperthyroidism, but it could be all sorts of things.

    I have that Rose picture, gorgeous isn't it? How sweet of Fred to frame your union jack, it looks brilliant. You are all so creative! I'm so jealous of that album cover, it looks brilliant framed. What a great idea!

    Sian x

  2. Oh, the pictures are so cheery! I know this may not help - but, you are in good company. Do the tests, follow the doctors orders, and, well, and you will still have hot flashes and still feel a bit poopy I am afraid...but, as we women do - you will figure it out! Lean on those of us who are there with you - happy day to you. ~Kelly

  3. I so HEART your blogs, when they appear on my blog list I get all excited. So, ignoring the fact that I may be a bit sad, THANK YOU for all your hard work and keep it coming please!!! Oh and Get Well Soon!

  4. you have lovely treasures..
    Hope you feel much better soon..

  5. Hi Happy,hope you get your health sorted and feel much better soon!
    Love the pictures of your home ,especially the Union Jack and the album cover.The cushions are beautiful in fact it's all just gorgeous!
    Rachel x

  6. good luck with your blood tests :-)

    as always, your pictures are fab :-)

    Rose XXX

  7. You have such a fabulous house! You should be an interior designer, will you come and design my house for me, lol. I love seeing piccies of your beautiful home.
    Hope you are feeling better soon, good luck with the tests.
    Take Care
    Love Melanie xxx

  8. Fun, fun, fun! Yay Freddy for framing the flag! The yellow pillow is perfect - fits right in! But, my favorite (today) is the little deux chevaux!!! Just the cutest! I'm sooo happy that you found a frame for the album cover - it's perfect!

    Have a great day/night!

  9. Hi Rosie, I've gave you an award over on my site.xxx

  10. Beautiful photos, so colorful and cheery!!

  11. What lovely pictures, as always. And I do love your hearts background. I hope they find out from the bloods what's wrong - poor you. I love visiting as always. Thank you for supplying the much needed cheer every time I drop by. You're a very special blogger. xxx

  12. EVVVVERYTIME I see pics of your home..I WANT cherry pie!!!!! I just imagine every room smells as if you just baked one!

    LOVE everything to bits and bits!!!!

    XOXO Jenny

  13. ps..I was too too caught up in my thoughts of cherry pie to wish you well!!!

    Thinking of you!!!

    Please keep us updated! Not knowing is the worst part...all that anxiety.

    Best Wishes!!!


  14. It's been so long since I visited your fab blog. Hope you get to the bottom of the health issues. I love visiting here because I realise I am not the only person obbsessed with red and blue. Everything in my shops is red and blue, or pink and blue so it's good to see that theme elsewhere. Loved looking at all your lovely pictures today.

  15. Hi there, I am hosting a book swap over on my blog. It is a permanent feature, which will always be on my blog, it is not a one off, like the rose theme swap I'm hosting. I have listed a load of my books which I am willing to swap, take a look, there may be some you fancy. If you would like to list books which you no longer want, and are willing to swap, just contact me at rosehyacinth@hotmail.co.uk, or leave a comment on my blog, with your name, the name of your blog and the books you wish to swap, and I will type them up and post them on the swap page, so the more and more people who participate, the wider the range of books there will be to choose from, and remember, it will always be there on my blog.
    Take Care
    Love Melanie xxx

  16. Love your blog and your colour scheme! Hope you feel better soon. Lucy x

  17. what a great home you have! I love the way you can put colours and styles together - gorgeous! Thanks for sharing!
    BH x

  18. PS - fingers crossed for you - hope you feel better soon
    BH xxx

  19. Hi Happy - I do hope all's going well for you - we're all rooting for you! If you have time, I have some pictures of a lovely wartime slogan-scarf on my blog to cheer you; of course it includes one of your mottos: 'Make do and mend'!

  20. Hey Happy...check out this "Happy Hairspray" vintage print advertisement!!http://pzrservices.typepad.com/vintageadvertising/2008/10/happy-hair-hair.html


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